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Medbase offers high-quality medical and therapeutic services in its centers. These can be used as stand-alone services or in conjunction with each other.
In most cases, payment for these services is covered by a basic insurance policy known as the obligatory Grundvesicherung in Switzerland (KVG). Our centers also offer services that would fall under supplementary insurance policies (Zusatzversicherung, VVG) as well as services that are financed directly by the client. Your respective doctor or therapist will be able to provide you with further information.
Allergology , Cardiology , Chiropractic , Dermatology , Dermatology / Allergology , Emergency medicine , Endocrinology / Diabetology & Osteology , General internal medicine , Gynecology / Obstetrics , High altitude medicine , Interventional pain treatment , Manual medicine / Chirotherapy , Neurosurgery , Oncology , Orthopedic spine care , Orthopedic surgery / Traumatology , Otolaryngology (ENT) , Outpatient surgery , Palliative medicine , Pediatrics , Pneumology , Preventive medicine , Psychiatry & Psychotherapy , Resting ECG , Rheumatology , Sleep medicine , Sports cardiology , Sports medicine , Surgery , Travel medicine , Tropical medicine , Venerology (STD) , Wound care , ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) , Addiction treatment, substitution therapy , AlterG training , Biofeedback , Biomechanics , BOEGER Scar Therapy , Burnout therapy , Cold chamber , Craniosacral therapy , Diabetes care , Dry Needling for Trigger Points , Electro- and thermotherapy , Exercise consulting , Expert reports , Giving up smoking , Hylyght (formerly SpartaNova) , Iontophoresis , Isokinetic training , Lymph Drainage with Concept , Manual lymphatic drainage , Manual therapy , Medical training therapy (MTT) , Mental training / Sports psychology , Neural Therapy , Nutritional advice , Orthokine , Osteopathy , Pain therapy , Personal training , Physio-Check , physio.coach , Physiotherapy , Physiotherapy made to measure , Shockwave therapy , Sports physiotherapy , Training advice , Training subscriptions , UV light therapy , Vaccination advice , Vitality management , Water therapy , Acupuncture massage by Radloff , Honey Massage , Medical massage , Sports massage , Cardio Explorer Test , Endurance diagnostics, further tests , Endurance diagnostics, lactate level test , Endurance diagnostics, spiroergometry (VO2max test) , Energy balance module , Medical check Basic , Medical Check Plus , Medical Check Premium , Performance diagnostics , Performance diagnostics, training advice , Running and gait analysis , Sport Check-Up Plus , Sprint and acceleration test , Strength diagnostics , Weight management , Weight management, basal metabolic rate measurement , Weight management, bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) , Weight management, calipometry , Acupressure , Acupuncture , Bach flower therapy , Feldenkrais , Foot reflexology therapy , Homoeopathy , Kinesiology , Respiratory therapy , Shiatsu , TCM / Acupuncture , Tuina , Pilates , TRX training , Yoga , Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation ,
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Therapy & Advice
If you fall ill or are the victim of an accident, we will be at your side every step of the way offering the best possible healing process, first-class therapy and advice.
Medical massages
Treat yourself to a massage and ease away the tension and pain in your muscles and your entire body.
Check-up & performance diagnostics
We offer these services to provide you with a comprehensive view of your state of health and to assess your fitness.
Alternative medicine & therapy
In addition to traditional medical treatments, we also offer a wide range of alternative treatments.
Rehabilitation & reintegration
Would you like to improve your health? Or perhaps you need treatment for an illness or an injury? Find out more here.
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Dental medicine
We are pleased to give you expert advice on dentistry in one of over 30 centres. Find out more here.